Spiders have eight legs, no wings or antennae, they range in all different types of colors and patterns.

Most spiders prefer to hide in dark areas, such as the basement. Some spiders like moisture that’s found in basements, crawl spaces and other damp parts of your home. Others like dry, warm areas such as sub floor air vents, upper corners of rooms and attics. Spiders live in houses, garages, sheds, under eaves, porches, in window frames, even under furniture and in closets.

Spiders spin webs and feed on all kinds of insects that they catch. Different kinds of spiders make different kinds of unique egg sacs. The female spider lays the eggs on a silken sheet and fertilizes them with sperm that is stored in her body. She will then cover the eggs with her silk to protect them.

There are two spiders found in the United States that can be life threatening once bitten; they are the Black Widow and the Brown Recluse spiders, however sightings of these in Wisconsin are extremely rare. The biggest causes of concern from spiders are bites to sensitive areas on the body causing rashes and reactions. Also, they can have webs throughout the house, more specifically in the basement areas.

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