The best indicator if you have fruit flies is looking at their eyes. Although this isn’t an easy task but their eyes are different from drain flies, because they are red in color. Fruit flies are about 1/8 inch long. Fruit flies lay their eggs on fermenting foods and moist organic materials. The tiny larvae will feed on the surface where they are born. They are unbelievable breeders and can lay up to 500 eggs at one time. The entire life cycle is completed in about a week.

When Advanced Wildlife Control is called to deal with fruit flies it’s usually in a restaurant kitchen, bar, or a residential home. We typically find them in kitchen or bathroom areas, but they are often found in other rooms because these flies are super light-sensitive and will search out a light source at night. Fruit flies can be a problem at any time of the year, because they are attracted to ripened or fermented fruits or vegetables.

Advanced Wildlife Control – Fruit Fly Control Methods:

Once we have determined that fruit flies have infested your area all potential breeding sites must be located and eliminated! If these sites are not dealt with and removed no matter how many chemicals we use, the problem will still persist. Sometimes finding the problem can be difficult and usually requires help from one of our experienced technicians. Potential areas that will need to be checked are all locations where fruit is stored, garbage disposals, drains, cupboards, and even behind the refrigerator.

Female fruit flies are capable of reproducing as soon as eight hours after they emerge as adults!

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