Powder post beetles are small, brown insects usually less than 1/4-inch in length that attack seasoned hard-woods. One way to access if you have powder post beetle problems is if you see small holes about 1/16-to 1/8-inch in diameter and a fine, powder-like sawdust in flooring, paneling, furniture, and other wood materials. They eat the starch content of wood products.

Powder post beetle larvae spend months or even years inside wood while developing, feeding mainly on the starch content. Their presence is only apparent when they emerge as adults, leaving behind pinhole-sized openings. We find them in barns and areas where older wood is stored.

If wood conditions are right, female beetles may lay their eggs and re-infest in the wood, continuing the cycle for generations. Wood can be damaged by thousands of little tiny holes that they infest often causing the wood to be destroyed. Also, they can move to different wood structures throughout a home.

Advanced Wildlife Control – Powder Post Beetles Control Methods:

We have a few different options, but they can be difficult to control and often need professional assistance.

That most renown researchers believe the powder post beetle to be second only to termites in the United States in their destructiveness to wood and wood products!

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