Centipedes or “hundred-legged worms,” are reddish-brown, flattened, elongated insects with many segments, most of which have 1 pair of legs. The actual body length is an inch or slightly longer (wormlike), surrounded with 15 pairs of very long legs making the creature appear much larger. The house centipede can complete its life cycle indoors. They mate and breed in dark cracks and crevices. They prey on insects, spiders and other small animals.

Centipedes are long-lived, sometimes up to 6 years. Centipedes need moist habitats and those living outdoors are found in rotting wood, compost piles, mulch, wood chips, leaves, etc. The house centipede runs swiftly when disturbed and can climb walls easily. Some are found around sump pumps in basements, bathrooms and other humid, dark hiding places where they are most active at night. Typical infestations of centipedes are small in number, primarily found in basement areas.

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