The most common type of cricket found in Ozaukee, Milwaukee, Waukesha, and Washington counties is the black field cricket. The black field cricket is about an inch long with strong back legs and long antennae. Although they have wings, they rarely fly, but are excellent jumpers.

Adult crickets spend their days in a shallow burrow beneath a stone, clod of dirt or a tuft of plants. They are most active after dark, and that is when males begin their nightly serenading of potential mates.  Most Advanced Wildlife Control customers tend to become annoyed with cricket’s during their nighttime serenade’s! Their familiar chirps also can be heard occasionally in the daytime. Females don’t sing.

Crickets feed on lots of things including plant tissues, dead insects, seeds, paper and old cloth, especially if the cloth is stained by food. Crickets can cause considerable damage in storage places if they are left untreated.

A cricket’s life begins as one of up to 300 eggs laid by a female in soil during late summer and fall. Cricket eggs actually winter underground and hatch during the spring time in southeastern Wisconsin.  Adult crickets hibernate in late fall, but seldom survive the winter.

Advanced Wildlife Control – Cricket Control Methods:

Our general pest control spray is suitable to handle most cricket problems.  In some cases proper sealing around door stops and bases maybe suggested by our service technicians.

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