Blow flies are a diverse group ranging from 6 to 14 mm in length and generally having a metallic sheen to their bodies. The black blow fly has a dark, olive-green body, black legs, and a metallic outer shell. In general, each female blow fly deposits thousands of eggs over her 2 to 8 week life span. Egg masses can consist from 40 to over 1,000 eggs. Incubation is around 4 days, but hatching usually occurs in less than 24 hours when conditions are warm and humid.

They can be found resting on walls in kitchens, bathrooms and basements. A large infestation can cause problems and be a nuisance pest. Blow flies are attracted to dead decaying matter and usually are found near some type of carcass. Blow flies don’t damage too much.

Advanced Wildlife Control – Blow Fly Control Methods:

The most important aspect of blow fly control is finding the dead organism that there are feeding on and removing it.  Blow flies are attracted to light and look for the quickest way out of your home.  Sometimes opening the patio door will eliminate the majority of the flies.

Maggots from certain species of blow flies have been used to debride wounds in post surgical aftercare!

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