Indian Meal Moth wing span is about 5/8 inch and their front wings are covered with a reddish-copper scale. They are commonly found in homes, grocery stores and any other place where dried foods are produced or stored.  Most customers find them in their pantries, commonly found in dried pet foods, nuts and especially found in bird seed.  We have found them in attic areas where squirrels have stored their food, these areas allow for nesting sites for the Indian Meal Moths.

They have a brood of overwintering larvae that pupate mostly in March and emerge in early to late April. Upon hatching the larvae disperse and often establish themselves in search of fruit or other types of grain.

Most of our customers consider them to be one of the most annoying and difficult pests to control. However, they really don’t pose any type of damage to your home.

Advanced Wildlife Control – Meal Moth Control Methods:

This is one type of pest that we need to have cooperation with the homeowner in gaining control.  The biggest key to controlling moths from your home is identifying all potential food sources.  Food that isn’t infested can be frozen, but all food that has been affected needs to be removed from the home.  New foods purchased should be stored in plastic containers with tight fitting lids.  We can install pheromone trapping stations in your home to monitor for these pests.

The moth flies mostly at night and are attracted to lights. They may appear in the living room near or in front of television sets.

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