Advanced Wildlife Control uses Integrated Pest Management or commonly known as IPM.  It is simply the common sense approach to control any insect or pest looking for certain conditions to ensure its survival. Our approach is to eliminate these conditions, insuring that these bugs look and live elsewhere. We try to limit spraying on the inside of the home and instead focus on preventative spraying on the outside, before they make their way into your home. This is our goal for a successful pest control program.

Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Quarterly, Bi-Annual Programs

These programs include outside and inside applications, as well as complete home inspections. Our programs include sealing of entry points to reduce and eliminate (rodents/insects) from entering the home. All of our visits are with the customer and scheduled ahead of time with the customer. The customer will have the same technician for each service. WE DO NOT REQUIRE A YEAR CONTRACT!

One-Time Treatments

This treatment includes inside and outside application designed for those that have an insect problem, but don’t wish to go on a service plan. We treat the entire home in order to ensure that your problem is solved. These treatments have guaranteed lengths depending on the individual insect/rodent that we are treating. Some clients may choose a one-time treatment to see if they want to continue future applications with our company.

Seasonal Treatments

Only have problems with insects in spring and fall.  No problem, we have our seasonal package which includes just those two treatments!


These treatments deal with certain types of insects such as ants under the kitchen sink. Your whole home may not need to be treated, but we can come and do a spot treatment to take care of your ant colony.