The male mink is 23-28 inches long with a 9-inch furry tail on it’s behind. Mink have small heads with beady black eyes. Mink will feed on muskrats, crayfish, koi, snakes, bird, frogs, and other types of fish. Mink usually live near water and our seldom found far from riverbanks. They sometimes will leave water areas in search of rabbits, which is one of their delicacies.

Advanced Wildlife Control’s methods for controlling mink: Our typically mink situation usually exists in a homeowners pond that contains Koi. They are easy prey for mink and we need to be contacted immediately when a mink is seen in your pond. They often clean out your pond of koi within the first few days of you seeing them. We typically use live traps to catch mink, but have had to use lethal force in some cases. Mink are extremely difficult to catch and often will leave your ponds after all the fish have been eaten.


Mink are related to the badger and skunk, through the same weasel family.