Animals can gain entry into your homes and business through a wide variety of areas. We will come and give a thorough inspection of your home and let you know the areas that animals have gained entry and how we will prevent and repair those damaged areas. We will explain our plan of action and work with you to rid your home of nuisance wildlife. Read More


Our External Rodent Control program known as ERC, has been one of the most successful programs ever developed by AWC.  Our program features control on the inside and outside of the home.  The program includes home inspection outside and inside, garage, attic and basement areas.  Our technicians are trained to locate and seal off entry locations for mice on the outside of the home.  We work with all commercial, industrial, and residential buildings. Read More


Clearly, insects are a dominating force in Nature, and it definitely benefits us to learn as much about them as we possibly can. They not only control much of what goes on in nature (pollination, seed dispersal, predation, decomposition) but they also can have a huge impact on Human Health as well. Effective pest control starts with proper pest identification. Read More


On average we remove over 50 raccoon families from fireplaces during the “baby season” for raccoons. Mother raccoons love the shelter and safety that a fireplace can provide and will climb down on top of the flue and have her young. The female raccoon can easily move up and down the fireplace and will not remove her babies for at least a few months. Often times if the chimney is left uncapped babies from the previous litter will choose this location for future litters of their own. Read More


The most common repair work that we deal with is damage from Raccoon and Squirrel that chew threw wood soffits/fascia to gain entry into your home. We can close almost any hole. We use galvanized steel, copper mesh, IPF foam, and sheet metal to seal off the entry points on the structure, animals don’t stand a chance at re-entering your home. Read More


When animals like bats, mice, raccoons, and squirrels have resided in an attic for any length of time, they can contaminate the insulation with their urine, feces, parasites and other harmful contaminants. If these disease causing contaminants are left in your home’s insulation and aren’t treated, you will have a health hazard in your home even after the animals are removed. Read More


Recent surveys have shown that most homes in our state are grossly under insulated. One of the most cost-effective ways to cut heating and cooling costs and make a home more comfortable is to add more insulation to your attic. When animals such as raccoons, squirrels, bats, and mice have resided in the attic they contaminate your insulation with their feces, urine, fleas, and other harmful airborne contaminants. If these are left untreated in your attic they can create a health hazard for you long after we have removed the animals from your home. Read More

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